Qurban, reminds us of the sacrifice Hz. Ibrahim showed by offering his son Hz. Ismail to Allah, and is a religious practice for Muslims to get closer to Allah, purify themselves from sins, and show generosity. Nuance Humanitarian Aid Foundation’s kurban project is carried out with great emphasis on reliability and transparency principles. Through delegated slaughterings around the world, the trust of the ummah in the form of kurban donations is handled with great care by volunteers and local officials, and distributed equally to the real recipients in need that have been identified in advance. By donating kurban, we can extend a helping hand to our needy brothers and sisters and celebrate this holiday with them joyfully. By sharing the taste of kurban meat, we can be together with our brothers and sisters who do not eat meat throughout the year, and bring a smile to their faces.
This sharing contributes to the strengthening of the culture of solidarity, sharing and cooperation in society, and has a positive impact on the lives of those in need. With our kurban project, we aim to reach those in need regardless of age, gender, or status, and warm their hearts.